it’s a rare man…

September 1, 2012 § 26 Comments

…who will take on a writer lady…a rare [daring] man indeed.

§ 26 Responses to it’s a rare man…

  • legionwriter says:

    Likewise for a woman to take on a writing man 😉


  • Hey, my Rare Man, where are you? Come faster. -_-


  • charmedbylove says:

    and a very beautiful woman she is for being a writer 🙂


  • JessicaHof says:

    It would allow for an elaborate courtship though, don’t you think? Wouldn’t it be wonderful in old age to have a drawer full of love-letters tied up with red ribbon?


  • Sven says:

    You mean most men can’t read?


  • Pat says:

    And I have one of those rare men.
    Hands off!
    He is mine.
    He brings me tea – blackcurrant, ginseng and vanilla – in bed, if that’s where I’m writing. He will make food, if I forget it exists.
    And, I’m sorry to brag, but…
    …he wants me to write. (The fact that he thinks I’m a nicer person to live with when I write has quite a lot to do with this. Because I am. Nicer, that is).
    …he wants me to be published, so he supports all my endeavours in that direction too. (I suspect, for pretty much the same reason: I will be ecstatic and thus an even nicer person to live with!)


  • angloswiss says:

    I have one, I like to write, he likes to play drums in a jazz group. We both have our hobbies. Keeps us busy


  • Indeed. 🙂 and if he wants her and gets her he better treat her well because he’ll hath no fury like a woman scorened and god help you if that woman can write!


  • totalovrdose says:

    Your words, your unfortunate words, are as truthful as the skies are blue; are as truthful as the sun is yellow; is as truthful as chocolate is a sweet, sweet beauty that gives you lots of zits – and makes you look like the side of a house. But, even with this said, if you are requesting ever so boldly for such a man to step forth and present himself to you fair lady Ginger, I may regret to inform you that I will be glad to do so, even doth a man I may not entirely be, my spirit be most strong. If you wish to be taken, I sure will try. Just name the place and name the time and I will see it done.
    As usual, even with but one sentence, your words are as radiant and as charismatic as whatever comparison one may attempt to fathom that is quite so beautiful in all this world.


    • aawwwwe, i just read this. you’re beautiful. have been reading shakespeare? 🙂


      • totalovrdose says:

        Thank you, but I am not nearly as beautiful as you…Shakespeare’s one of my favourite playwrights Ms. Ginger. I find his work quite influential and inspiring. I mean, the romantic ideologies that he transcribed upon the written page proved that love and romance and passion could blossom so freely, deeply, spiritualty and greatly that it was not yet dead even in a time of darkness. I only wish that such was studied more in-depth in schools today because the words he articulated were oh so powerful and amazingly inspiring. Do you like Shakespeare Ms. Ginger, or is there another poet that you on occasion draw inspiration from?


  • Sorry. Already taken with my doll. And she writes.


  • iancaimercer says:

    I’m probably dipping my toes in where they may get nipped off here, but wouldn’t the reverse also be true? I suppose it depends on the circumstances, mind you, been listening to Taylor Swift and she gets her ravenge by writing songs about ex-boyfriends, so that’ll probably prove Coco’s point!!!
    Also depends on what the challenge is. I got challenged on The Keystroke Killer by an Actor friend, Hannah, so I wrote a blogpost, she made a video- She won!! I graciously conceded it, so go on, then Coco, what’s your challenge?? (hehehe!!)


  • indianage says:

    like wise ……writing man needs a rare women……..rarity happens rarely though


  • rosewater12 says:

    Iancalmercer poses an interesting question. What is the answer, Coco? The world waits with baited keyboards.


  • Dumu Abzu-a says:

    Those rare men exist, my dear lady! Unfortunately there don’t seem to be that many ladies who are interested in a writing male… Having a house that looks more like a museum/library, speaking and writing three dead languages, writing my own volumes in ink, by hand, and working furiously on getting my works in print doesn’t seem to be very attractive to the ladies. Oh Gods, I wish I would find such a lady as you describe, who understands the passion of the written word!

    A man can only dream…


  • iancaimercer says:

    aye Dumu Abzu-a, dream on!! Cheers for the support, likewise Indianage and Rosewater12. I’ve been doing 3 album reviews for Taylor Swift, before I tackle Doctor Who tomorrow, so I’ve immersed myself in these very questions!! Drop by my blog if you like! I’ll have to think of something for next week to get into this more!


  • And hopefully he plays tennis too.


  • Kip Light says:

    Whew, just seeing the title, I thought this was going to be a food article written by a cannibal! [j/k, Coco, you know what a smart a** I am]


  • Jackie Jones says:

    Lol, I’ve decided I might have to end up being a rare (daring) woman who takes a writer gentleman ^^.


  • Eliza Shane says:

    Rare, yes, but they do exist!


  • I have one of those rare men! Makes the writing life much more exciting!


  • And I found me one!


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