Who is John Galt?

September 10, 2012 § 30 Comments

you left
I sat by your side
i reached over
there was no body to find

I saw your eyes
i looked deep inside
they were empty
you were not inside
I heard your voice
but it spoke in a foreign tongue
I felt your skin
but it was damp and cold
it made a shiver run through my spine
then I felt your heartbeat
…it beat just like before
I swore i wouldn’t give up, not like before…
but your lips kept moving
and your body kept pretending
like you were someone
that I had never known
I was scared
but i couldn’t leave
i thought he must be there— somewhere underneath
but you kept on going
bragging of all your empty victories
the stupid girls that love you
knowing i’m sitting there adoring you…
I realized my love had gone away
i bit my lip so you couldn’t hear my scream
and i hate you more then anything
because you took my love
and let him walk away
and i hate you because i cannot see
the man i loved more than anything
i cried to sleep for the very last time
because the man that i loved is gone.

when you were here
i sat by your side
i reached over  i took your hand in mine
because you were my best friend
you were the only one
i would ever love
and i smiled
because I knew you were mine.

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