A very merry Christmas tale

December 25, 2012 § 27 Comments

Coco clasped her cayenne candy cane in her right hand cardigan pocket. Skipped across the room to where Vincent sat, deeply engrossed in his 7th read of ‘100 Years of Solitude’. Before he could decipher her zippy movements, she pulled out her candy cane and smashed it upon his head.

Vincent wept large sea bred tears.

Coco laughed giddily. Β Then, seeing his hat slumped over in sadness… apologetically kissed his forehead, handing him a homemade cardboard card which read, ‘when I think about you my heart bursts into billions of tiny stars’.

Vincent smiled mischievously, kicked Coco in her shin and ran.

Coco chased after Vincent yelling unrepeatable profanities.

They no longer read each others blog.

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