Oh HELLO HAPPINESS, is that you?

May 5, 2013 § 31 Comments


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48 days ago I dragged myself into the Bikram Yoga studio in my neighborhood.
I LOVE/HATE Bikram Yoga like a toxic relationship.
It is miserable, I have never done anything more difficult in my life.
The room is 175 degrees, and the class lasts for 90 minutes.
You’re not allowed to leave the room to go to the bathroom
or for any reason except possibly vomiting.
Well, you’re allowed,  it’s just completely frowned upon.
I walked in the studio curious of any specials they had going on since I was
un-eager to pay the $17 they charge per class.
They did.
If you entered the 30 Day Challenge
it was only $90 for the 30 days.
Like a Jew eager for a good deal
I calculated that it would only be $3 per class,
versus $17.
However, you HAVE to come EVERY SINGLE DAY.
IF you miss a day, you lose all your money.
It wasn’t 5 seconds later I saw myself hand over my debit card
agreeing to these EVIL conditions.
I love to compete and play
against myself.
I don’t always win,
but it’s still a ride to try.
I knew I needed a change,
my Kona sparkle had started to fade.
I needed a challenge,
something real,
I needed to liven up,
I was feeling dragged down and even a little bored.
When I get in this state, I literally and actively seek out drama and chaos.
YEP. I really do.
Why in the world would I do that?
Well I don’t do it super consciously, it’s a bad habitual routine I
can easily fall into, if I am not being a bad ass—
manning up, reaching up, dreaming up.
First week in the torture chamber was unbearable.
Sweat dripping like rain all over me, a constant feeling of wanting to vomit from
a combination of the difficult poses, to the length of the class, heat of the room,
and all the other sweaty bodies surrounding you.
It was beautiful.
Why would someone purposely subject themselves to such torture?
Let me explain the up side.
When I am in the room, no one else exists.
I have no brain, no heart, no past, no pain, no future.
All I have is that moment, that pose, this wild strength inside me
that lifts up and forces me into positions that I never thought possible.
I’m not me. I’m not a mind. I’m not a heart.
I am nothing. I am no one.
I am but a soul, with no life form.
That’s all that’s left, during those 90 minutes.
When I walk out of the class,
I’m floating.
Nothing can break me.
I’m invincible.
I literally feel like a superhero.
And… maybe I am.
16 days into my challenge I missed a day.
It was horrible. I had missed the morning class and had a meeting
I could not reschedule.
So that was it. I lost my money and the challenge.
Being the fierce competitor I am…
two days later I decided I better jump back on the horse.
I signed up for the challenge again.
In the last 48 days I have logged 69 hours of Bikram Yoga.
I’m literally glowing.
I have more energy than I had when I was 15.
I have never felt such peace and happiness in my life,
and I’ve noticed a lot more people have been drawn to my energy.
Interesting.  Isn’t it?
Why am I telling you this?
Your mind is the powerhouse to all your inner strength.
Your mind is the powerhouse to your art, your writing, your creativity.
If you aren’t keeping it in tip top condition
So much art that would have, could have been created and enjoyed by the world
had you not been a lazy artist.
So think about what kind of life you want to lead.
Do you want to be the average Joe
who takes his time, does a little here, a little there
NEVER putting his FULL heart into art?
Or, are you going to be at the top.
The one who is constantly filled with CAYENNE FIRE.
The one who radiates heat, warming those around him with PURE
It’s brilliant really, what you can do with your insane brilliant mind.
So keep it working in tip top, keep your body moving,
get your endorphins rushing, make them work for you.
It will make all the difference in the world.
I swear, it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
Aren’t you kind of bored anyway?
Let’s be invincible.
Let’s be ‘Super Heros‘ together.

It’s so much better to play in the game,
than to be on the outskirts watching.

P.S.  I wrote this post over a month ago and like most of my 600+ drafts never posted it. I stopped going to yoga after my challenge ended and became depressed. I am going back today. 😉

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