Your Name

November 6, 2018 § 22 Comments

Coffee steams from my cup and I remember how much I love to write, how I have always loved writing, how I have always written, except… for the times the adversary came to my side whispering lies. Lies like, you aren’t worthy, you aren’t good enough. You should live in the manner society has taught you. You should want success that materializes in dollar signs. You are only as much as you make, and the amount you are praised. That’s what that man I used to know told me too— he said I would never be worthy until I was a queen, a queen who was known by her status, just as he. And I believed him. Because the adversary was by my side whispering lies, using this man to create chaos and confusion inside me, trying to break apart the design the Creator had given me when He first formed me in my mother’s womb. But the Creator, El Emet, the God of truth, he has something different to say about me. He calls me his masterpiece, he calls me brand new, he calls me friend, he calls me a new creation, he calls me set free. He says I am chosen, I am accepted, I am forgiven, I am complete, I am beloved.

You must stop waiting for perfection, he says, you must pick up the pen and begin, I will give you the words as I have given you the gift. And so I write. As coffee steams and my mind is overun with passion; joy and utter peace because I have been given a new name. And no one can call me by my old names, by my sins, or my past, because I am brand new, I am a new creation, I am his treasured possession and he has given me a new song to sing, Psalms 40:3.

I have spent my whole life believing lies the world has told me about who I am.
But not today— Today, I am a child of God, I am heir to a kingdom, I am set free, I am greatly loved, I am adopted, I am his workmanship, I am complete. The devil calls me by my sins, but not El Emet, the God of truth, he calls me by name and he says, YOU ARE MINE.


November 5, 2018 § 9 Comments

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