tennis, chocolate & coffee

June 1, 2012 § 100 Comments

Perched on the sidelines of the tennis court with journal and pen. Past journal stands my 100% Kona coffee accompanied by my coconut, chocolate, peanut butter and banana smoothie. Directly ahead of my beverage friends, spreads the alluring, bright green tennis courts stocked with red-blooded, stiff angled, fierce yet stately men. Watching them spring left to right with dominant swings and assertive lunges, I realize my body had grown stale from the company I was keeping. Watching their sweat, in the heat of the sun, with the heat of the coffee enlivening my body, I realize I’m ready for new hands to hold. I admire tennis, it being my seductive yet dignified sport of choice. There is a reason why Woody Allen’s ‘Match Point’ drives me happily mad. There is a reason why Jonathan Rhys Myers can seduce me by way of the screen. There is a reason I’ve ventured to this place, allowing my mischievous heart to break open in honor of new life.


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