write WRITE write…

March 21, 2013 § 71 Comments

MorningPagesWrite write write. Write in different languages, write with scribbles, write Crayola lines write your brains ticks, your hearts tings…write in the morning, write in the middle of the night. Write when you can’t think, write when you’re crying, write when you’ve had enough, when you are down on the ground, when you are DONE living. Write when you’re climbing, write while you’re sighing, write while you’re breaking, write while you’re innards are caving. Write write write write write. Write like it’s your life breath, your life saver, your last chance, your last tick, your last dance. Write like you’re dying, write like if you don’t everyone else will give up and stop trying. Write because it’s in you  BEGGING to be seen. Write because your fingers hurt, from being hidden for so many years. Write because your blood is numb and your organs have all turned cold. Write because you’ve read about cayenne blood, write because you’ve seen it flow but never felt it —never YET yourself met it. Write because you were born to CREATE, born to EXPLODE. Write because you’re filled with colors that no one else has ever shown. WRite because you refuse to live another day the same. Write because the past is stuck inside your head and MUST COME OUT. Write so you can step, write so you can keep up with the fastest of the pack. Write so you can step inside yourself, write so you can be better then their tests. Write when you have nothing to say, write when they tell you ‘it’s just not logical‘. Write. WRITE. write write write. And when you’re done GET UP—  don’t say a word. They’ll see it in you, they’ll see your writers glow, your skippity steps, the magnificent way you laugh and dance. They’ll see the freedom in your eyes, the ‘so what‘ in your stride, the way each of their words slides off your back without so much as a chance…
But don’t write for them, write for YOURSELF it will change them.  One letter in front of the other, step  step  STEP.

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